I need to address this – and I am sad that any of this needs to be said.

I am on LinkedIn because of business.  Personal drama and Politics do not belong here.  Generally, if someone on my feed posts/likes a political post – regardless of position – I drop them from my list. I do not need to see any of that on my daily scroll here.

If I know that someone has valid content that truly matters to my work.  If that person is or is connected to a content expert – I will make a comment rather than removing the person.  Only once.  Just the first time I see it.  But I will comment.  Something of the nature of, “Can we stick with engineering and stop trying to be cool.”  A comment like that is because I have value in most of what is said – I would actually respond to a person who I think can do better.  Otherwise I would just remove them from my known indivuals.  I do not have a need to block anyone unless they are being aggressive.  So I will continue to see some response they post to people in my feed, and I am open to DM from them.  I just selectivly remove them so that I do not have my LinkedIn feed muddied by polictics or drama.

Perfectly ok for anyone to then block me and remove me from a feed.  Adults can choose who to keep in their feed, in their life, and so on. 

That said, it has come to my attention that comments are being made where I am not able to respond.  Again, that is the prerogative of those selecting to make those comments.  However, I must admit that this is not a choice I would make.  I would challenge that this is not a choice that a well-balanced adult would make.  So that is my response.  I would have rather opened the discussion up with any adult that I offended.

All this said, I know I ruffle feathers.  I very easily can be conceived to be the “Old Man Yelling at Cloud.”  I know that from time to time I challenge some on technology that I feel is not yet ready for deployment.  I have heard that there is a Slack Channel out there that is something like #Piller-doesn’t-like-what-we-are-doing. That is cool, I would like to be a part of that conversation (maybe that group will read this and invite me to talk…).  It is how I grow, and I have found it is how others grow with me.  I have seen a great deal of things, I have over 20 years of field experience, built a consultancy, taught at Purdue University for 7 years.  People call and ask me my opinion on a variety of subjects.  I call and ask others – its how Community works.  Discussion.  Learn.  Grow/adapt.  Engineer.  Respect each other. 

So as a call of action.  If I have offended you with a resoponse.  Or if I commented on a technology and you would like to follow up.  I am here.  I will find time to have conversation with anyone.  It is how we move forward, with dignified conversation.